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Brooklyn, New York

Based in New York, NY and Philadelpia, PA, Natalie Trento Events provides professional, customized event planning services for parties, weddings, corporate and nonprofit events of all sizes. Because of her experience, varied background, and keen knowledge of the event, nonprofit, and bridal industries, Natalie is an invaluable resource to her clients.



Turn! Turn! Turn!

natalie trento

In thinking about how to start off my first blog post on my new website (Thank you so much Erin and Luca of Sullivan & 3rd!  You are both so amazing!) I could not get the song Turn! Turn! Turn!  out of my head. And specifically, the line "to everything there is a season." Perhaps it is because I spent two hours this weekend watching Forrest Gump (best soundtrack ever by the way!) when I really should have been packing. Or perhaps it is because launching a new website and a new brand feels like a new season for me, and the song just rings true at the moment. 

Natalie Trento Events has made a lot of progress since we first launched a year ago. We are so delighted to have been able to be a part of some very special weddings and events, and cannot thank our clients, friends, and family enough for all of their support. Our new website and brand is a tangible representation of this progress and we are excited for all of the adventures to come.

Stay tuned for additions to our Portfolio within the next few weeks. We are thrilled to be planning some amazing weddings and parties this summer so I promise that more photos are to come.  

And most importantly, enjoy! 

- Natalie